I started working with Kjartan shortly after starting my own business. For a long time, I’ve struggled with healthy boundary setting, anxiety, and processing my thoughts and emotions without self-judgment. As my business became more successful, these were components of my life I wanted to work on, understand, and resolve.
Working with Kjartan has been such a blessing. I felt at ease with him from the first session and as we discussed my feelings and goals, I have always felt I have his complete attention. Kjartan also has an amazing way of asking questions that help you find answers on your own. He has a great way of guiding the conversation and providing you with tools and methods to turn insights into understanding.
Working with him over the last year has promoted so much personal and professional growth. I'm lucky to have him in my corner!
My name is Balazs Bercsenyi, I am a 31 year old artist currently expressing myself through the medium of tattooing. I was born in a small city in Hungary and spent 26 years of my life there, I consider myself blessed by growing up in a loving family.
I met Kjartan in march 2019 through a client of mine and that meeting changed my life. I am still amazed and beyond grateful by how the universe orchestrated that profound healing encounter. I hadn't heard anything about Kjartan or his work before, so i had no expectations, plans or desires at all. Our first session was almost 4 hours long, powerful energy work where I experienced a tremendous amount of release, even though no words were exchanged, it still left me with an utmost heavenly state of being, like a floating state.
After that experience, I realized that this was something that I want to dive deeper into, something I want to learn more about. I also suggested to Kjartan that we should work together, I felt like this kind of energy work would complement tattooing well.
Working with Kjartan opened up a completely new way of looking at the world, through primarily looking at my mind, questioning beliefs, thought patterns, and all sorts of “obstacles” that stood in my way of feeling light and happy. Anytime I was on a call with him or having a conversation personally, I felt a powerful divine presence from him, where I feel safe no matter what comes up. This gave me a safe space where I felt like I didn't have to resist anything and where all my walls that i built to keep myself safe can just fall away.
Working with him for more than 18 months gave me a new perspective, a more joyful, more present way of living, which is the biggest gift someone can give or receive. I also noticed big changes in my relationships. Before all this work, I had no space to really listen and hear my partner, but now I keep receiving the gifts of those around me because I am free from my own pressures which allows me to really hear the essence of my loved ones.
Not just my personal life, but my business life has completely shifted positively too, I used to second guess myself but now i have a way of navigating things with much more ease, not wasting my time on self judgement. I feel like there are so many new doors that keep opening up for me due to this work and the choices I am able to make as a result of it.
While initially I sought out Kjartan’s help to lessen the rigidity with which I approached my day to day life, to relieve the stress and anxiety that had held me prisoner for so long, throughout our first session it became clear that we would be going much deeper. The energy shift was indescribable and afterwards, it felt as though I was seeing the world for the first time, through a new set of eyes.
Without being hyperbolic, working with Kjartan has been transformative. He has helped free me of the limited thinking that has hindered me for most of my life, expanding my growth personally, professionally, spiritually and energetically. His approach has allowed me to release paradigms surrounding my family, relationships and lack of self-worth that were many decades old.
I have referred many people within my community to Kjartan, we all agree that you start sessions thinking you want to attack a certain issue, but leave with a much more profound experience.
Our work together has become an important pillar and I can’t imagine a life where Kjartan isn’t there to help act as a guide.
Almost everything in my life has shifted since I started working with Kjartan 6 months ago. Most importantly of all, I have found a new love for life. Before meeting Kjartan, I was never able to say with full conviction, “I love my life”. There was always a sense of lack, something that was either missing or needed fixing. Through intense healing work, this has shifted for me. I often feel a sense of joy and gratitude from simply being alive.
When I first started working with Kjartan, I needed help with my problems and issues. I wasn’t happy with my work, I felt disconnected and without a sense of purpose. I was struggling.
Gradually, as I became more and more aware of the limiting beliefs that were driving me round in circles and started looking outside of the confines of my own judgements, a new sense of possibility started awaking. What I had perceived as being stuck in an impossible situation was really just my mind going around in loops, the limits of my own judgements of what I thought was possible for me.
This was really a deep process of letting go. For so long I had been holding on tightly to my ideas of who I was, what was possible for me and what needed to change for me to be happy. And simply letting go and seeing these ideas for what they were - as possible ways of looking at life and not truth - was a difficult process of trusting that I would be okay.
Looking outside the limits of your own mind is a leap into the unknown. If I let go of my ideas of who I am, who am I then? If I let go of my ideas of how life works, what will happen then? Once I took this leap and let go, magic started happening. Not in the way I had imagined when I first started working with Kjartan. I didn’t fix my problems or suddenly had a grand eureka moment of figuring out my life purpose. Instead I woke up to a new freshness to life, a sense of new possibility, curiosity and courage.
I’m deeply grateful for the healing work I’ve done with Kjartan and everything that it has brought me.